药物成瘾的非人灵长类模型研究组 | 深圳市药物成瘾重点实验室



孟志强,  博士,  正高级工程师, 2010年于中国科学院昆明动物研究所取得博士学位, 先后在哈佛大学医学院新英格兰灵长类研究中心 (2010-2013),密西西比大学医学中心 (2013-2017) 和布兰迪斯大学 (2017-2019) 从事博士后工作,具有丰富的药物成瘾研究经验,在Current Biology, JPET,Drug Alcohol Dependence等国际期刊发表多篇关于药物成瘾的专业论文。


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1. 苯二氮平类药物成瘾性的机制 

        以非人灵长类动物为动物模型,采用经典的静脉自给药和条件位置偏好行为模型, 结合药理学、电生理和神经调控手段,研究苯二氮平产生成瘾性的分子和神经环路机制。

2.  药物成瘾干预策略



(1)Meng Z, Berro LF, Sawyer EK, Ruedi-Betteschen D, Cook JE, Li G, Platt DM, Cook JM, Rowlett JK*. Evaluation of the anti-conflict, reinforcing, and sedative effects of YT-III-31, a ligand functionally selective for alpha3 subunit-containing GABAA receptors. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2020;34(3):348-357.

(2)Liu C*Meng Z#, Wiggin TD#, Yu J, Reed M, Guo F, Zhang Y, Rosbash M, Griffith LC*. A Serotonin-modulated circuit controls sleep architecture to regulate cognitive function independent of total sleep in Drosophila. Current Biology, 2019; 29: 3635–3646 (#Equal contribution,*corresponding author)

(3)Duke AN#Meng Z#, Platt DM, Atack JR, Dawson GR, Reynolds DS, Phani Babu Tiruveedhula VVN, Li GG, Stephen MR, Sieghart W, Cook JM, Rowlett JK*. Evidence that sedative effects of benzodiazepines involve unexpected GABAA receptor subtypes: quantitative observation studies in Rhesus monkeys. The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2018; 366:145-157 (#Equal contribution)

(4)Meng Z, Rowlett JK*. Self-administration of progesterone and synthetic neuroactive steroids by male rhesus monkeys. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016; 165:265-9.

(5)Meng Z*, Liu C, Yu C, Ma Y*. Transcranial direct current stimulation of the frontal-parietal-temporal area attenuates smoking behavior. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2014; 54:19-25. (*co-corresponding author)